Retreats, Apparel & community designed to UNLOCK YOUR FULLEST EXPRESSION OF SELF.
(for us, that means being a badass sometimes but mostly we just cry a lot)
YOU can be grateful & depressed, spiritual & still lose your shit sometimes, have more than some & still feel lost, & also just because someone teaches yoga doesn’t mean they’re not an asshole.
The yoga police in your head don’t get to run your life. all the rules are fake. Do you.
yoga saved our life.
ALSO, sometimes we hate it.
There are times when what we need most is discipline & traditional practice. And then there are times when discipline turns something that used to be a refuge into something that sucks the life out of you. When that happens, we hit a point where the most healing thing you can do is light the rule book on fire. Life is hard. Yoga is hard. And it’s even harder when we let the bully in our head (or on the internet) micromanage how to do practice “the way you’re supposed to.” Your right answer is deeply personal & changes along with you, the stars & the seasons. It’s never up to anyone else to tell you what’s best for you. we’re here to help create a space where you feel the freedom to claim what your answer is today. and, Whatever your right answer is today, we celebrate you! You’re doing a fucking great job.
sweatshop free
(& never corny) yoga gear
do i look like a love & light bitch to you?
do i look like a love & light bitch to you?
we love your light *AND* your dark.
These days, yoga and spirituality can feel hard to relate to & far away with the perception that you already have to be calm, positive, peaceful, flexible, good enough, whatever in order for your practice to “count.”
We are here to disrupt the status quo.
We believe that there is no wrong way to practice.
We believe that no matter how big or deep & dark a feeling is, it doesn’t make you any less spiritual or any less of a yogi.
We believe that no one else has the right to say whether or not your yoga “counts.”
We are here to create radical spaces & radical outfits so that you can HAVE YOUR MOST radical expression of self on & off the mat.
Namaste as fuck is community driven, female owned & operated & 100% sweatshop free.