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Teacher Burnout

Every time I have fallen out of love with yoga, I have fallen back in love 10x more than I ever thought I could - so if you’re feeling this, you’re probably just close to another breakthrough.


There’s not enough talk about teacher burnout…

Teachers and those who want to be yoga teachers:

You will fall in and out of love with teaching just like you do your yoga practice and IT’S NOT A BAD THING. There is nothing wrong with you. I promise. It’s a part of the natural process.

When you spend a ton of time doing something (and with yoga, we usually eat, drink, breathe and LIVE it) and you play a role where people look to you for answers, it can be easy to get caught up in other people’s experiences and lose sight of our own or why we even started in the first place.

One of my favorite things to do when I’m feeling this way is to take a class at something I’m bad at so that I can feel what it feels like to be a beginner again.

It helps me get lost in the moment and connect with a student perspective. This sounds weird to say, but sometimes I crave not knowing the answer and the anger and frustration that comes along with - that feeling I used to have in yoga but have since made friends with.

So when you feel yourself getting resentful or checking out during sun As, TAKE A BREAK or switch up what you’re doing. Always plan your classes? Walk-in with no plan one day and see what happens or vice versa. Have you lost touch with your own practice and need to step it up or maybe you take a total break for a week. Try a style of yoga you think you hate. Do you need a new training or do you need to stop reading about yoga for a bit? Also, check-in with that alone time and self-care.

Every time I have fallen out of love with yoga, I have fallen back in love 10x more than I ever thought I could - so if you’re feeling this, you’re probably just close to another breakthrough <3


Alex T.

Yoga teacher & bodyworker

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