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Write a love letter to you

We all need a little....or a lot... of help sometimes. Reminders of why we love ourselves. Reminders of why we are worth it. 

Let me tell you a secret…

You are worth it. 

I promise.

But you are the only one who can change your mind of that.

You are the one this perspective and belief comes from.

Every day is different. But there is one constant. You.

 Write a love letter to you

Blog submission by Mikala Schimke


We all need a little....or a lot... of help sometimes. Reminders of why we love ourselves. Reminders of why we are worth it. 

Let me tell you a secret…

You are worth it. 

I promise.

But you are the only one who can change your mind of that.

You are the one this perspective and belief comes from.

Every day is different. But there is one constant.


So here is my list. Here is my way of reminding myself of just how important I am to me. Journaling prompts to get ya goin'... talking points with clients.... friends... silent meditation...WHATEVER YOU WANT THEM FOR! 

1. Tell yourself 5 things that went well today. Brag. Be selfish. Please.


2. Think about something that makes you happy, why does it make you happy? And how can you do more of it?


3. When was the last time you did something completely for YOU? How did you feel?


Ok….still with me?

4. What is something you have always found irresistible about yourself? Can be anything…doesn’t have to be physical. 


5. Give yourself 5 examples of things you thought you never could but did?


6. Tell yourself the following…meditate, mala, sing, dance, silently, doesn't matter how you get the information to yourself. But get it there.

 “ I am worth it. I am strong. I am beautiful. I am powerful. I am vulnerable. I am living. “

7. How do you feel now? Do you believe it? Why do you believe it? What will help you believe it?


8. Set your intention each day. Write down a few intentions you think could make a difference in your daily life. Use them anytime you need. Keep them in your phone, your wallet, speak them into a crystal and then stick it in your pocket! Use them.


Last but not least. Read this. And read it again. And again. 

It may seem like such a simple thing. Easy.

But it might be hard to write. It might be hard to focus on yourself. 

But try.

And try again.

You deserve it. 

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