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5 Unpopular Opinions

5 Unpopular Opinions You Can Adopt Immediately 

namaste af

1- There is no wrong way to yoga.

Yoga is thousands of years old. It has blossomed into approximately 39482394723987 lineages today (based off of our own calculations). No one lineage is right for everyone or inherently wrong. You don't have to wait for someone else's permission to express your truth. (or if you still want to wait, we just gave you permission <3). Don't let anyone shame or "should" your practice.

2- Water is the most delicious fucking thing on this planet.

Don’t get us wrong; we love a good glass of wine or a binge sesh of chocolate. But water truly is the most delicious fucking thing we have on Earth and is an answer to so many problems. Wake up in the morning? Have a glass of water. Feel a stress-headache coming on? Have a glass of water. Had an emotional breakdown? Have a glass of water. A good cry. Jump into the ocean or a lake. No matter how shit things might seem, water will always make things just that little bit better! 

3- Ending a relationship is something to celebrate.

Ending a relationship because it’s toxic, or has simply run its course and is no longer serving you, is something to fucking celebrate! You deserve all the happiness in the world, and if your relationship is no longer making the people involved happy, then likely it’s time to end it. Whether it was a romantic relationship, a friend, an employer, or family, you don’t need that shit in your life. Give yourself time to mourn that relationship and deeply feel all that shit. But then, celebrate! Make space for the good coming your way, and pat yourself on the back, babe!

4- You don’t have to be a fitness influencer or spiritual guru to preach and practice yoga.

Yoga can be a deeply spiritual and personal practice. It can also be something that you dabble in once in a while. Quite likely, you will find that your practice ebbs and flows over time. There is no rule book that says you have to be; hella flexible, only eat plants, and practice yoga every-dam-day to benefit from yoga. And if you DO find a book that says that? Please send it to us so we can promptly set it on fire. Babe, your practice is yours, don’t worry about how it looks to others. Instead, focus on how it makes you feel.

5- YOU are the most important person in your life.

Life is fucking incredible, and part of what makes it so incredible is the relationships we make. That may be the sense of community, the family you were born with, or the family you build. But throughout all those relationships and the absolute roller-coaster of fuckery we call life, YOU are the one constant throughout it all. Don’t forget to build a healthy relationship with yourself first and give yourself permission to do whatever the fuck you want! It’s your life!

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