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What is the “guru complex” and why do we say FUCK THAT?



Let’s talk about why it’s so important to STOP putting yoga teachers & healers on pedestals.

Here’s the thing - people who come to #yoga & any other spiritual practice bc they are in need of healing. INCLUDING our leaders & teachers. They are human. No one is immune to mistakes & biases. So we think no one should just be given absolute authority over our bodies & boundaries without question.

Be mindful of the ways that we put our teachers on unattainable pedestals & also any teacher that puts themselves on one. NONE of this is about anyone getting to a certain point & being like “okay! I did it! I’m healed now!” and check out.


  • Any leader that tries to micromanage your practice, discourage you from questioning them or seeking different answers than what they teach. A TRUE teacher encourages you to find the right answer for yourself, encourage you to try other classes & methods of learning (instead of saying that they’re the only ones with the right answer). Also, nowhere in the Yoga Sutras do we see ANYTHING about cancelling or shaming other people for how they practice.

  • Anyone who says there’s something wrong with you that needs fixing

  • A leader who isn’t also practicing with a teacher/healer themselves

  • Intimidation, bullying or shaming.

Unfortunately, much of the traumatic stories of toxic behavior & abuse in the wellness community stems from people handing their personal authority over to “gurus,” thinking they can do no wrong. No matter WHO it is, it’s important to stay in touch with your intuition - our built in checks & balances system - to make sure that whatever we’re doing feels like a YES. If you feel something sticky or off in your gut, HONOR IT. Your intuition knows her shit!

We know it’s easy to get totally caught up fan-girling out over that one teacher that changed/saved your life (us too!) - and you can 100% acknowledge & pay homage to that! But No one gets the power to decide what’s right for you except for YOU. And EVERYONE has something valuable to share - your favorite teachers also have something to learn from you, too!



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