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NAF Morning Rituals

Morning Rituals, NAF Style

Mornings are important AF. They set the vibe & energy for the entire day.
Are you too in your head or wrapped up with social media in the AM?

🌅 Try these 5 easy rituals for a more mindful morning

1. Self Worth before your feet hit the floor: Make sure you 100% believe you are worthy of all the things you are manifesting & calling in. Deem yourself *WORTHY AF* of what you charge as a yoga teacher, healer, and biz owner. Think all of this before you pull the covers back.

2. Mindful self-care: After you roll out of bed feeling like one worthy ass bitch, take extra good care of yourself. Shower or take an episome salt bath, do your *FULL* skincare routine, dry brushing, oil pulling, anything that helps clear energy & makes you feel ready. However, when you do it, really do it. Avoid rushing or "going through the motions." Sometimes that might look like a full face of makeup; other times, it means wearing your *nice* yoga pants.

3. Check TF out: Resist the urge to check into social media, email, turn on the TV, or even use a laptop to flow some virtual yoga. Drink some water & if you can, get outside. Check out so hardcore that your eyes go a little blurry & your mind wanders. Resist the to-do lists of the day.

4. Add in movement: This does not have to be classic yoga asana. Pranayama is a movement of energy, taking the dog for a walk, doing a quick bodyweight workout, & twerking; ALL COUNT. Whatever you choose, I urge you to move in celebration & not punishment of who you are.

5. Listen to something that will set the vibe: Put something on that feels inspiring or empowering. It can be a favorite playlist or podcast, anything to connect you with your spirituality. Put yourself in a headspace that feels like a HELL YES.

Know that not every morning can go according to plan, & when that happens, we have these rituals in place to support us. We do them on the "good" days, and on the "bad" days, we are reminded that we deserve to feel good no matter what.

Rituals are also a reminder that you are not in control of anything other than how you react & take care of yourself.


Our NAF Babe Emily, @emilydoestheyoga / @messylittlestudio

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