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Your yoga is right

Your yoga is right.

The purpose of practicing yoga is to find our own right answer - not to constantly be looking outside of ourselves for permission. 

Today, there are hundreds of different styles of yoga practice, and even within a single style, a ton of different teaching styles & understandings of the “right” way to practice.

There’s countless online arguments over what “real” yoga is & who gets the right to say what counts and what doesn’t.

There are cult-like followings & literal feuds between styles of practice.

But here’s the thing - yoga is DEEPLY personal. And what might be triggering AF to one person might be the *THANK GOD I FOUND THIS* for someone else.

There might be a teacher that makes your eyes roll so far back in your head you can’t see straight - that someone else credits with saving their life.

What might have been your own saving grace years ago might piss you off now. Or you might have felt betrayed by a community or a teacher so you walked away.

And on the flip side, what might have been a huge turn off for you when you first started you find yourself finally ready for & it helps you uncover a whole new layer that’s blowing your mind (kinda like how we swore we would never touch Kundalini 10 years ago and in the pandemic something clicked & we literally can’t do anything else).

And instead of throwing our own opinion into the mix like we’re the ones who know what’s best for you, we want to say - EVERYONE IS RIGHT.

Yoga as a practice is deeply personal.

Nowhere in the Sutras do we see where any one person or group of people gets to hop in like the yoga police to determine what “counts” as yoga or what counts as “right.”

TRUTH is an individual understanding & deeply personal. Just like yoga.

And while you’ve heard us say a thousand times that we don’t fuck with putting teachers or healers on pedestals & perpetuating the guru complex, we will in the same breath say that just because we don’t fuck with a certain teacher or cult following, it doesn’t mean they’re not right.

It doesn’t mean they’re not helping people.

Who are we to say?

Who is ANYONE to say what’s right for someone else?

You’ll hear a cue in class sometimes to “stay on your mat” - and we think that we could all use a little more focus on our own practice, body & breath & a little less acting like we know the answers for everyone else.

<3 NAF

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