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Chronically Namaste As Fuck

It took me a long time to realize that there was a name for the fist gripped tightly around my heart, and I only figured what it was after it started to loosen its grip.

Chronically Namaste As Fuck

(Keeping your shit together-ish when you are chronically ill.)

Chronic illness affects millions of people, rendering many disabled or minimal functioning at best. A lot of us utilize Spoon Theory, which is a way of demonstrating our functioning energy levels throughout the day. The general concept is that everyone starts with twelve spoons and subtracts spoons as energy is used up. Getting out of bed and getting dressed is a spoon, driving is two spoons, cooking a meal is three spoons, and so on. Twelve spoons run out quickly for someone living with a chronic condition. The spoon system applies for a multitude of physical and psychological illnesses. Chronic illness sufferers are often misunderstood so Spoon Theory helps us better communicate to our loved ones and health care providers how we are feeling. 

Our energy is precious so we should protect it at all costs. Chronic illnesses are unpredictable, one day you may be okay and the next you can be completely incapacitated. You may be in remission for years and then suddenly have a flare, so practicing self-care is essential. It is important to set healthy boundaries by saying “no” to things that we cannot do and surrounding ourselves with people that respect those boundaries. 

Below you will find a list of tips to maximize your spoons. You may find some of these activities recharging or healing during a flare. Feel free to modify or combine them to fit your specific needs. You can apply any of these to your life whether you have a chronic illness or not. Please know this advice is not intended to be a substitute for working with your healthcare providers. It takes a holistic, collaborative effort to reach optimal health.

These tips are meant to be used to compliment your current care plan and add to your toolbox of healing modalities. Take what resonates with you and leave the rest for someone else:

Time Out.

Listen to your body. If your body says “damn, you’re tired”, it is time to chill. Chronic illness can be unpredictable. You may feel okay one day and be in bed for the next three. Resist the urge to feel lazy if your body needs to spend the day resting. Do not hesitate to say no to things if you do not have the energy to do so. There is healing in doing nothing. 


When you have days where your energy allows, use gentle movement like yoga or light stretching are good for your joints and muscles. There are variations of poses for people living with mobility aids or even for folks confined to a bed. If your spoons allow, feel free to try faster movements such as dancing and swimming. Movement therapy allows us to move old energy out and make room for new energy.


You’ve got to fucking eat. What you eat has a tremendous effect on your overall health. Eating well is essential to staying healthy and is especially essential when your body is fighting disease. It can be hard to cook meals at home when you are in pain or severely fatigued, so whether you can grocery shop or have assistance with shopping, be sure to add nutrient dense meals and snacks to your list. Explore anti-inflammatory and autoimmune protocol eating styles that focus on nutrient value and clean ingredients. No diet culture here, just restoring balance to what you put in your body. Dietary changes can help reduce the pain and fatigue associated with chronic illness. Consider food allergy testing so you can avoid foods that cause inflammation in your body.


It is no secret that millions of people are walking around dehydrated. Abled and disabled bodies alike need daily hydration. Water is the most healing thing on this spinning blue rock. It helps us flush out toxins and in a diseased body, we need all the internal cleansing we can get.  If you have been blessed with access to clean water, take it in like precious medicine. 

Get It Out.

Cuss, cry, laugh, and cuss again. Having an incurable and/or rare disease can feel scary and lonely. It is a lot to process and takes some time to accept. Sure, being positive helps, but it is also perfectly okay to be mad as hell that your body functions much differently than most. If you seek counseling make sure your practitioner allows for you to express ALL your feelings including but not limited to rage, anger, frustration, sadness, loneliness, and confusion. 

Embrace Your Wild Side.

Spend some time with animals. There is tons of research showing that spending time with animals has cathartic benefits.  

Splish Splash Take A Detox Bath.

A ritual bath in some soaking salts is a fantastic way to relax and detox. Turn on some soothing music, light and candle, and soak your bones.  Take in some slow, deep breaths…inhale the good shit and exhale the bullshit. When you are finished, let that shit go down the drain never to return to you.

Get Dirty.

Earthing is simply the practice of going outside and letting your toes touch the ground, the sun kiss your face, and wind to caress your skin. Gardening naturally puts your hands in dirt and allows you to connect to nature. As little as 30 minutes outdoors exposes you to enough negative ions that will help facilitate healing, reduce blood pressure, lower anxiety, and can even encourage creative thoughts & ideas. 

Explore Alternative Wellness.

There a so many different healing methods like Chinese medicine, reiki acupuncture, cryotherapy, massage, and mediation. There is no right way to heal. It is important to explore all healing modalities to see what works best for you. Affordability and accessibility are often an issue for people living with chronic illness. Some may not be able to drive, are unemployed, or disabled on a fixed income. Fortunately, many place offer virtual sessions and some are free of charge to those with financial challenges.

Protect Your Energy.

It is essential to take care of your energy every day. There are many ways to do this. Any time you feel drained, take note of what situation you were in or what people you were around. This is your intuition giving you a message so you can avoid this next time you make plans. Protecting your energy may look like saying no to things or situations that exhaust you or having no contact with toxic people.  It can also be using tools such as using herbs smudges to cleanse energy. It may also look like days of rest, detox baths, or just ending each day with a release ritual to set your intentions to release any energy that is not yours and to call back any energy that is yours.

Get Some Fucking Support.

You are not meant to navigate your illness alone. Consider joining a support group in your area or virtually. It helps to connect with other people that understand what you are going through. Groups are also a great place to exchange resources and programs. The suicide and depression rates are high in people living with chronic conditions, if this is you, please reach out to a mental health professional that understands chronic pain. 

Use Your Mobility Aids.

Never be ashamed of your mobility aides. If you are a person like me that needs part time mobility aids, you owe no one a fucking explanation of when, where, or why you use them part time. A lot of us have spent years walking in pain when a mobility aide would have helped due to fear of judgement. If your aid helps you live your best life, use it.

Give Yourself Some Love.

Practice self-care every single day. Do random acts of kindness for yourself. Show yourself some compassion. Treat yourself to your favorite things like a great book, the perfect cup of tea, a cozy outfit, or an aromatherapy session. 

Make A Mess.

Get some paint or other art medium and create something. Art has miraculous healing properties. Take note of how you feel before, during, and after your DIY art therapy session.

Woodstock At Home.

Music is medicine. Light some incense and hit play on your favorite jams. Even if you are confined to a bed, pick a different genre to listen to each day.

Plant Healthy Thoughts.

Depression is very common in chronically ill patients and body positivity can be a challenge as we try to accept our bodies that hurt, are fatigued, have surgical scars, etc. You may find it helpful to look in the mirror and say encouraging things about your body or to place sticky notes of healthy messages on your mirror. Always remember, your soul is gorgeous, you are beautiful, you are a wildly powerful creature, and you are fucking amazing! 

Yours In Badassery,

NAF Babe, Savannah Meschea